And we’re off.

Best virgo baby EVER might actually show up right on time.  I’m not having contractions, but it seems like my water may have broken.  Also, my blood pressure has been ridiculously high all day so the Labor & Delivery nurse told me to come on in.  They may send us back home again, but…I might have a BABY today.  If the Lumberjack decides to stop doing last minute chores and actually drive me to the hospital, that is.

Week 40: D Day

It’s August 26.  I’ve been thinking about this date for almost 40 weeks.  I know that few babies actually arrive on their due date, but I’ve still been expecting it to happen right on cue.  So far it’s 5am and nothing.  What’s up, kid?

I’m officially on maternity leave now (as of last Wednesday), which has been AWESOME.  It was really hard to let go early last week, but now that I’m off the clock it’s pretty fantastic.  Just me & the Lumberjack hanging out all day, every day.  Well, he sleeps until around noon whereas I wake up around 9, and I go to bed around 10 and he’s up until 2 or 3, so we each have a few hours to ourselves each day which is also nice.  But there’s been a WHOLE lot of together time, which is making both of us really happy since soon there will be a tiny but loud human demanding all our attention.  At which point I doubt I’ll be able to bat my eyelashes at the Lumberjack and say “I want peppermint ice cream” and then he’s returning from the store 20 minutes later and serving it to me.  Pregnancy?  With the best husband ever?  Pretty awesome.

What is not awesome is my blood pressure.  It’s not dangerously high, but it’s still too high for the birth center.  So, the final decision was made and I’ll be heading to the hospital.  I’ve had a week or so to sit with that, and it’s been over a month since the BP issue first came up, so I think I’m at peace with it.  It still makes me sad, though.  For minor reasons, too – the thought of my kid having Walnut Creek listed on his birth certificate instead of Oakland is pretty much bullshit if you ask me.  But I’ll deal.

I’ve been having contractions all week, which is exciting.  On Tuesday they were happening every 5-6 minutes all day long, which made me think Wednesday or Thursday might be the day…but no.  They’re still super mild – not painful at all, just the typical Braxton-Hicks tightening.  And I hear that some women go through weeks of this without any change.  I’m not dilated at this point, although I my cervix is “soft.”  The things I share on the internet.

Due to the blood pressure issue, no one (doctors & midwives alike) wants me to hit 41 weeks.  So on Thursday, August 30 I have an appointment to be induced.  I DO NOT WANT TO BE INDUCED.  Therefore I will spend the next 4 days doing my best to get this kid moving on his own.  First up?  Acupuncture!  We’ll see if it works.  PLEASE don’t tell me to have sex.  I know it works for some people.  I’ve heard all about it.  I still don’t want anyone other than me or the Lumberjack suggesting that we do it.  It’s just too weird.

Week 39: Nesting


Me + the 3 babies. The human one is still cooking; the feline ones are assisting in furniture building. Sort of.

Week 38: Stretchmark :(

I got it.  I got a stretchmark.  It is tiny – it looks like a few little spots.  Like tiny footprints!  From my son!

Nope, you can’t make me find it cute, despite your (and the Lumberjack’s) best attempts.  Thumbs down.

1. that’s a big baby, and 2. we need to clean the bathroom mirror.

Otherwise, however, everything is GREAT.  We met with Laura (our midwife) on Saturday, and after reviewing my carefully charted blood pressure readings from last week…she thinks I can birth at the center!!!  I have to have another week of low readings like last week’s, but still.  It’s a real option again.  I feel so happy and relieved.  I’m still reminding myself that we might not get it, and am trying to make sure I don’t get my hopes up only to get heartbroken again, but it’s hard.  Because I feel so positive about this.  I really feel like it’s going to happen.  We can do this, baby!

I had the “growth ultrasound” today, which confirmed that he is still right on target.  Everything looked great.  She estimated that he weighs 7lbs 15oz.  She printed me a picture of his profile, and I swear he looks like the Lumberjack.  If the Lumberjack was a smooshed up fetus, I guess.

The house is still getting organized, slowly.  We are still working on names.  Tonight’s suggestions were Pistol, Swelter, and Seuss.  Seriously, where is the Lumberjack getting these ideas?

Week 37: Shit is getting REAL

The diaper service called this afternoon to confirm that they’re dropping off our first order next week.  NEXT WEEK.  WE WILL HAVE DIAPERS IN OUR HOUSE IN ONE WEEK.

Seriously?  Who decided that I was ready to be a mother?!  I guess technically it was me making that decision, 9 months or so ago.  But still!  What the fuck.  We’re going to have a BABY and we’re going to be in charge of keeping him alive.  All the time!  Every day!  FOREVER.

I may or may not be slightly freaking out.

I have been getting check-ups on the regular the past 2 weeks.  Two non-stress tests, one doctor visit and one midwife visit every week.  Plus Kaiser loaned me a blood pressure cuff, so I’m now monitoring my BP three times a day.  There are a ton of people watching over me and this little baby, making sure both of us are chugging along like we’re supposed to.  The consensus is now that I do not have pre-eclampsia (YAY), but I do have gestational hypertension (high blood pressure due to the pregnancy).  So it looks like I’ll still have to birth in the hospital, but it’s way less serious than we thought.  This is good!  The hospital we’ll go to has midwives on staff, and my midwife will be coming with me as my doula, so I’ll still get the midwifery model that I wanted – we’ll just be near doctors in case everything goes to hell.

I hope everything doesn’t go to hell.

I’m working from home full-time now, and it’s AWESOME.  No more commuting, I can snack and nap throughout the day, I work in tank tops & my underwear.  At the end of today, it took me all of 45 seconds to go from working to sitting on the couch with a popsicle.  Not too shabby.

I’m on pseudo-bedrest (that’s what I’m calling it) where I’m staying home and resting as much as possible, although still going to pre-natal yoga and taking a few easy walks in the evenings.  I’m soaking my feet at night.  I’m taking way more supplements than I thought existed.  I’m charting everything I consume.  100oz of water, 100g of protein, every day.  Greens, eggs, cucumbers, dark chocolate (woo hoo), all the right things to keep my blood pressure down and to continue creating a tiny super genius.  I’m listening to hypnobirthing audio tapes, and creating a sense of peace and calm around the upcoming birth.  I’m focusing pretty much all my energy these days on growing this baby and preparing to introduce him to the world.

This evening I ate a watermelon while sitting calmly, and realized how much I’ve changed my lifestyle in the past few months to get ready for the kid.  And I just felt so happy.  That I’m lucky enough to be able to lie around eating watermelon and dreaming about a baby.  That I have an awesome husband who is taking such good care of me and who is likewise thrilled about our upcoming adventure.  That I’m as healthy as I am, and that I know what needs to be done for the less healthy aspects of pregnancy so that it doesn’t affect me or the baby.  I’m just so happy that this has all turned out how it has, and that it appears to be continuing nicely.

And somehow that coexists with my HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS I’M GOING TO HAVE A BABY IN A MATTER OF DAYS freak out.  I’m not sure how, but I’m rolling with it.

Week 36: Little Baby Watermelon


I forgot to post last week. The baby did not forget to keep growing, however.

Week 35: I caught the clamp.

Hello, pre-eclampsia.  You were NOT invited to this party.

So, I was in Boulder.  With a crazy high blood pressure that got me stuck in a hospital.  They kept me overnight to monitor me, and Saturday evening gave me the news that I have “mild pre-eclampsia.”  I had a few too many high blood pressure readings, and 325mg of protein in my urine (the cut off is 300).  The doctor was incredibly nice and informative, and told me she would happily release me from the hospital as long as I promised to get the hell out of Colorado.  Since pre-eclampsia can get much worse (hello, liver & kidney failure!  hello, stroke & coma!) really quickly, if I stayed for the second week of training and something happened, I would end up having my baby in Boulder.  Without the Lumberjack.  No fucking thanks.

So I went back to the hotel, cried myself to sleep, woke up Sunday morning and flew home.  Where I proceeded to cry on the Lumberjack for a few more hours.

Up next?  More crying!  We saw our midwife Monday, and learned the heartbreaking news that I can’t birth there anymore.  Since I have an official diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, they can’t let me deliver there.  I have to go to a hospital.  And I KNOW that the goal is a baby.  I KNOW that I need to be healthy.  I KNOW that hospital births happen all the time and are fine and everyone gets out alive and un-traumatized and above all else, I know how lucky I am to be able to be pregnant in the first place.  I get that, I really do.

bed rest = cat naps

But fuck, I am so disappointed and sad.  I was born on a futon in the living room.  I have grown up proud of that story, and have always known that I would give birth the same way.  I’ve been meeting with my midwife for months, and LOVE her, and have established an amazing bond.  I’ve been getting all my pre-natal care in the actual room where I would give birth – I’ve had so many amazing experiences in there, I’ve seen the Lumberjack’s face light up about our baby in there, I’ve been filling that room for MONTHS with love and energy, knowing that those are the walls that will surround us when our marriage becomes a family.

I know everything’s going to be fine, but it’s not going to be what I hoped for.  And I’m just so SAD about.  However, yes, I understand that this is an excellent introduction to parenting.

So, now I’m on fucking bedrest.  Working from home, monitoring my pee & blood pressure daily.  Eating 100g of protein daily, drinking 100oz of water.  Keeping track of everything I consume, lying down as much as possible, etc.  You better believe I’m going to guilt-trip the fuck out of this kid one day.

Not the best Friday night.


So, I’m in the hospital. In Boulder. I’ve been feeling really off all week, so I checked my blood pressure today and it was ridiculously high. My midwife told me to get it tested at the hospital, and suddenly I’m in a bed strapped to a bunch of monitors. Ugh. They’re keeping me overnight to monitor my pee (I have to pee in a jug for 24 hours), to make sure there’s no protein in it. Then they’ll release me as long as I head home asap and get in bed. So I get to go home a week early, but in the meantime I’m in the fucking hospital. They say the baby “sounds perfect,” though, so that’s a relief. He’s still wiggling away!

Week 34: Back to the hotel


Now I’m in Boulder, for the second of my two 2-week trainings. I fly home next Friday, 2 days before I hit 36 weeks. I love my job, but this is just dumb. I’m trying to take it easy, but it SUCKS being in a town known for fun outdoorsy options as well as amazing beer, and not being able to take advantage of it. I’m just So Exhausted all the time. And huge! I am huge. 6 weeks to go, and I’m starting to understand the “I just don’t want to be pregnant anymore!” comments I usually hear in the last month or two. I want my body (and my ability to run up some stairs or flip over in bed) back, and I want to meet this baby already! I think he’s happy, if that doesn’t sound too crazy. He feels happy to me. And I want to see his little face.

Week 33: Welcome back, emotions.

As was promised, the third trimester is turning into the first all over again.  I am SO TIRED.  This morning I got out of breath while…making a smoothie and watering plants?  Yeah, that sure is exhausting.  After I finished breakfast I had to go sit down on the bed to recover.  I told the Lumberjack that I (honestly) just wanted to puke a few times and then go to sleep.  That sounded like the absolute best.  He did not agree with me; ergo, here I am at work.

Also!  You guys I am SO EMOTIONAL.  It’s so stupid.  That’s all I have to say about that.

We forgot to take a picture this week (yes, that made me cry when I remembered – however, I am too tired to do anything about it), but I did sit for an art drawing class so you can look at me NAKED.  So scandalous.  It’s through Dr. Sketchy’s – a program that gets art students & burlesque dancers together.  We dance and then pose; they draw us.  I emailed the woman in charge a few weeks ago and asked if she was interested in pregnant ladies and she got Very Excited.  She knew another burlesque dancer who is due 5 days after me, so we both sat for a “Very Pregnant” special Dr. Sketchy’s event.  The artists all seemed really excited…especially this one dude in a sweater vest who waited after the show to give me a drawing and tell me how wonderful this was.  He seemed reeeeeeeally happy to be talking to a pregnant lady.  Not going to lie – it was a little awkward.

On Monday I get back on a dumb plane to fly to Boulder for the second of my 2-week training events.  Thumbs down.

This post is too negative!  When I am not exhausted and/or crying, things are going quite well.  The Lumberjack is ridiculously excited about the baby, which totally cheers me up no matter how weepy I am.  I can’t wait to see this kid’s face; I hope he looks like the Lumberjack, because his is the best face in the world.